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A marketing audit is an important first step in assessing your company’s online presence and formulating a plan to improve your visibility and reach. With our marketing audit and the subsequent plan of action we build for you, you’ll have a complete picture of your current online presence and a roadmap for accelerating growth while maximizing your marketing dollars. Our audit will cover all aspects of your online marketing, including your website, SEO, content marketing, social media, and more.

We’ll also take a look at your offline marketing efforts and make recommendations for how you can better integrate your online and offline marketing for maximum impact. After our audit is complete, we’ll work with you to develop a plan of action that includes specific tactics and milestones for achieving your marketing goals.

Full Online Marketing Audit: $2500 and up

Contact us today to learn more about our marketing audit services.

Get Started

What We Audit

  • Comprehensive Website Review – including Technical, UI/UX, and Aesthetics
  • Content Review – including website, blog, and active social pages
  • Social Media Review – including strategy and metrics
  • SEO Factors – on-page, off-page, technical, structural, keywords, and more
  • Backlink review – including directory listings and citations
  • Competitor Analysis – up to 5 direct competitors to identify gaps in the market
  • Online Reputation Review 

What You’ll Receive

  • Comprehensive overview of what is currently working
  • Overview of additional opportunities and areas for improvement
  • Recommendations for improving website performance
  • Insights for greater visibility in search and online presence
  • A roadmap to highlight critical elements and how to fix them
  • A prioritized list of recommendations to help you know what to do and when to do it

What Outcome Can You Expect?

Every plan we develop is created exclusively for your organization. You are welcome to keep these reports and share them with your team or any other marketing professional. These documents represent a set of recommendations developed especially for you and represent our suggestions based on the data we uncovered or were provided. You reserve the right to adopt or reject our insight, recommendations, and guidelines and how you choose to proceed with addressing these items. You are also not obligated to work with our team in implementing these changes.

A marketing audit is a great option to choose if you want to see what working with the Vinci team is like and if we are a good fit. A comprehensive audit and analysis can also be a great option for organizations with a dedicated marketing team in place who may just need to refresh their strategy or have a look at their online presence from an outside, professional perspective.

Please contact us with any questions.